University of Mary Washington Then & Now

A Photography Exhibition

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Campus Walk is a central brick walkway which runs almost the entire length of campus, starting at the Bell Tower and Double Drive in the south and ending at Goolrick Hall on the north end of campus. It passes in front of most major buildings at UMW, including George Washington, Trinkle, Lee, Monroe, and Jepson. Most residence halls are only a short distance off of Campus Walk, if not directly on it. The bricked walkway merges into Palmeri Plaza in front of Monroe and then continues down in front of the Woodard Campus Center. This covered walkway lasts until just before Simpson Library. Campus Walk continues in front of Simpson and, once construction is complete, will run through the Convergence Center and out towards Jepson. Much of what is now campus walk was originally an asphalt road, Campus Drive, which ran from College Avenue to Monroe and then back down the hill towards Sunken Road. Remnants of this road remain in what is now Double Drive on the one end, and the Sunken Road access which comes to a circle between Lee Hall and Monroe Hall. Work began in 1986, when Campus Drive was closed to through traffic and covered with the bricks it has today.1

Campus Walk Now - 2014 Resized

Students of Campus Walk, 2014
Conner Allen, "Students on Campus Walk," March 21 2014, The Personal Collection of Conner Allen, University of Mary Washington.


Show 1 footnote

  1. William B. Crawley Jr., University of Mary Washington: A Centennial History, 1908-2008 (Fredericksburg: University of Mary Washington Foundation, 2008), 368-70.

Until the 1970s, Mary Washington had no mascot, “so when the choice of a mascot was put before the student body in 1978, Blue Tide was the winner” 1 because the swim team had used the phrase for several years. However, “in 1981, the president of the Student Association, Leath Burdeshaw, called for a change, noting that ‘many feel that the College still needs a more concrete mascot–an animal or character that can literally be at the games and put on posters and banners to help spice things up.'” 2  During the 1985-86 academic year, the student body and faculty were presented the options for the MWC mascot: the Devil-Goats, the Eagles, the Militia, the Bayonets, and the Cannons.  “The results of the poll indicated preferences for the mascot name of Eagles.” 3

Today, the University is still represented by the Eagles; however, today the UMW Eagle has a name: Sammy D. Eagle.

Students with Sammy D. Eagle, 2013 Photo courtesy of Katie Koth

UMW students with Sammy D. Eagle, 2013
Katie Koth, September 22, 2013, Mobile Uploads, Personal Collection of Katie Koth, University of Mary Washington.

Show 3 footnotes

  1. William B. Crawley, Jr., University of Mary Washington: A Centennial History, 1908-2008 (Fredericksburg: University of Mary Washington Foundation, 2008), 358
  2. Ibid., 359.
  3. Ibid., 360-361.

Move-In Day signifies the beginning of the academic school year for students. For freshman, it is the day where they say goodbye to living solely under their parents’ or guardians’ roof, and learn to live with people their own age. Move-In Day is typically in late August and is the first day of Freshman Orientation, which is the week before courses begin. Upperclassmen tend to move in either a few days or the day before the first day of courses.

Move-In Day, August 17, 2010

Move-In Day, August 17, 2010
Norm Shafer, UMW Photographer, "Move-In Day," August 17, 2010, University of Mary Washington.

Technology updates and changes every year. Computers, in particular, have advanced at an exponential rate since the 1980s. Physically, they are smaller, lighter, and monitors are much thinner and sleeker. Computers have also become much more powerful, faster, efficient, easy to use, and portable. Having a personal laptop at the University is almost a necessity (although there are several computer labs in various buildings for students to use) since much coursework requires access to the Internet. From typing term papers to building digital history websites, the computer has become an integral part of a college education today.

Girl Using a Touchscreen Laptop, March 24, 2014ayLifeCompNow

Girl Using a Touchscreen Laptop, March 24, 2014
Catherine LeBouton
Jessica Reingold, "Girl Using a Touchscreen Laptop," March 24, 2014, Personal Collection of Jessica Reingold, University of Mary Washington.

Communication is a central part of student life at UMW. However, keeping in contact with friends near and far has gotten considerably easier over the years. As opposed to the wall-mounted phones of the past, mobile phones allow for constant communication from virtually anywhere to practically everywhere. The introduction of smartphones only bolstered the connectivity between students and their friends, their professors, and the wider world. Staying in touch is as important as it ever was, and any stroll through campus will yield at least a handful of people talking, texting, or tweeting away.

Phone Now Resized

Student on a cell phone, 2014
Girard Bucello
Conner Allen, "Student on a cell phone," March 21 2014, The Personal Collection of Conner Allen, University of Mary Washington.

Despite the changes in technology, in sports, and in styles, there is still continuity at UMW. Trinkle Hall has changed in its organization and its uses, but is still a crucial part of campus. The rotunda, marked at the center by the seal of the school, continues to be an important landmark. The seal has been altered slightly over the years, but it nevertheless remains at the heart of Trinkle.

Inside Trinkle Now Resized

The Trinkle Insignia, 2014
Conner Allen, "The Trinkle Insignia," March 21, 2014 The Personal Collection of Conner Allen, University of Mary Washington.

E. Lee Trinkle library was originally located in Virginia Hall but was not big enough to accommodate the growing student population. The library opened in the Fall of 1941 with an addition built in 1960. It remained the college library until 1989 when a larger facility was needed. The Trinkle library could originally hold 150,000 volumes with the addition in the ’60s allowing for the storage of 250,000 volumes and an air conditioned rare books room. The library was a central part of campus before the construction of Simpson Library in 1989, as a place for students to relax and study and attend informal lectures. One such lecture was attended by the esteemed writer William Faulkner. 1 Today, a smaller library exists in Trinkle Hall and is still utilized by students.

trinkle now

Trinkle Reading Room
Meaghan Sullivan, "Trinkle Reading Room," April 15, 2014, Personal Collection of Meaghan Sullivan, University of Mary Washington

Along with the changes made in technology and communication, UMW also saw changes in automobiles and access to campus. Pictured below, students are posing in a 1918 automobile by a UMW building. Today, Campus Walk prohibits students from the same access given their 1918 predecessors. The present picture was taken outside the UMW apartments, a residence for upperclassmen.
Students Posing in an Automobile, 1918

Students Posing in an Automobile, 1918
Pictured (not in order): Mr. Harrison, Lucy Gray Richardson, S. Smith, Nannie W, Parker, Mary W. Johnson, Miss Carter.
"Students Posing in Automobile 1918," 1918, The Centennial Collection, UMW Digital Archives, University of Mary Washington


Students in Car 2014
From right to left: Rob Jarvis, Alyssa Lieurance, Sam Johnson, Morgan Graff, Randi Bryan, and Alex Hartwig.
Meaghan Sullivan, "Students in Car 2014," April 16, 2014, Personal Collection of Meaghan Sullivan, University of Mary Washington.

Show 1 footnote

  1. William B. Crawley Jr., University of Mary Washington: A Centennial History, 1908-2008 (Fredericksburg: University of Mary Washington Foundation, 2008), 52-53.

“In 1936, financed by donations from graduating classes and private individuals (most notably Mrs. A. B. Chandler), gates were constructed below Monroe Hall at the Sunken Road entrance to the College.”1

Although the Sunken Road Gate is not the main entrance to the University today, it is still regularly used as an entrance to the campus. The main entrance to the University is the Double Drive Gate off of College Avenue.

Class Officers In Front Of Gate, 1948

Class Officers In Front Of Gate, 1948
From left to right: Lois Saunier, senior class; Barbara Haislip, junior class; Carolyn Myers, sophomore class; Sara Katherine Jordan, freshman class
"Class Officers In Front Of Gate," 1948, Centennial Collection, UMW Digital Archives, University of Mary Washington.

Sunken Road Gate, March 21, 2014

Sunken Road Gate, March 21, 2014
Jessica Reingold, "Sunken Road Gate," March 21, 2014, Personal Collection of Jessica Reingold, University of Mary Washington.

Show 1 footnote

  1. William B. Crawley Jr., University of Mary Washington: A Centennial History, 1908-2008 (Fredericksburg: University of Mary Washington Foundation, 2008), 33.