Monroe Hall was founded in 1911. It was one of three original buildings built for the State Normal and Industrial School for Women, the first incarnation of the University of Mary Washington. The building currently functions as an academic building, and houses the History, Geography, Political Science and International Affiars, Sociology, and Anthropology Departments. Notably, murals by retired faculty member Emil Schnellock adorn the building’s walls on the second floor. Monroe has been renovated multiple times, and was most recently reopened for the 2011-2012 academic year.
Directly in front of Monroe today lies what students commonly refer to as the “Monroe Fountain.” The brick area around the fountain which connects Monroe Hall with Virginia Hall and Willard Hall was named Palmieri Plaza in honor of Richard Palmeri. Richard was a greatly esteemed Geography professor at the school who succumbed to cancer in 1997. The area is a central part of campus and is one of the most traveled places at the university.
|  Monroe, 2014 Alexandria Parrish, "Monroe," February 26, 2014, Personal Collection of Alexandria Parrish, University of Mary Washington. |