University of Mary Washington Then & Now

A Photography Exhibition

Posts in the Sunken category

“In 1936, financed by donations from graduating classes and private individuals (most notably Mrs. A. B. Chandler), gates were constructed below Monroe Hall at the Sunken Road entrance to the College.”1

Although the Sunken Road Gate is not the main entrance to the University today, it is still regularly used as an entrance to the campus. The main entrance to the University is the Double Drive Gate off of College Avenue.

Class Officers In Front Of Gate, 1948

Class Officers In Front Of Gate, 1948
From left to right: Lois Saunier, senior class; Barbara Haislip, junior class; Carolyn Myers, sophomore class; Sara Katherine Jordan, freshman class
"Class Officers In Front Of Gate," 1948, Centennial Collection, UMW Digital Archives, University of Mary Washington.

Sunken Road Gate, March 21, 2014

Sunken Road Gate, March 21, 2014
Jessica Reingold, "Sunken Road Gate," March 21, 2014, Personal Collection of Jessica Reingold, University of Mary Washington.

Show 1 footnote

  1. William B. Crawley Jr., University of Mary Washington: A Centennial History, 1908-2008 (Fredericksburg: University of Mary Washington Foundation, 2008), 33.