University of Mary Washington Then & Now

A Photography Exhibition

Posts in the Association of Residence Housing category

Student organizations are an active part of UMW campus life. They hold events like Holi, concerts, and fairs. They also represent the student population. The SGA, or Student Government Association, is composed of students elected by their peers. A division of the SGA is ARH, or Association of Residence Halls, which specifically focuses on issues pertaining to residence housing. ARH also hosts “Mr. UMW”, a pageant-like event with a male student representing each residence hall.


ARH, 2013
From top left to right: Robert Sharp, Helen Bower, Ray Celeste Tanner, Sammy D. Eagle, Ethan Lane, Christie Cons, Amanda Stocker, and Rachel Howard.
From bottom left to right: Sarah Mendelsohn and Alyssa Lieurance
"Association of Residence Housing," 2013, Personal Collection of Alyssa Lieurance, University of Mary Washington.
